Sunday, October 22, 2006

getting crafty...finally!

with so much happening in my musical endeavours, I haven't had a chance to make anything for soooo long, and I have most definitely been suffering withdrawal symptoms. Luckily one of my beautiful friends is turning 30 tomorrow and so I spent yesterday creating her a dress and a matching reversible obi wrap. unfortunately my camera is cheap and nasty and doesn't take photos in any detail so I'll have to wait until the birthday girl wears it to get a photo that does it justice. Suffice to say that I still love sewing and finishing one project has just made me want more!


. said...

Lurrrv that dress! The leaf print is one of my faves at the mo'. You're a talented gal, you ;)

Cally said...

Seriously fab dress, love the colou, shape and esecially the patterned bit at the bottom.