Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

As I wait impatiently for the chocolate ganache to cool enough to spread on my cupcakes, I thought I would squeeze in a moment to wish everyone a sensational christmas. The weather prediction for our 'Summer' christmas is a very chilly 16c and raining. Makes me wish I was back in my second home of Danmark drinking Glog and enjoying the dark winter lights, cause there's something a bit desperate about having an outdoors barbeque lunch despite the freezing temperatures or maybe that's what makes a Melbourne Christmas so unique- Wherever you find your self this christmas, be safe and be happy XO

Sunday, December 10, 2006

no pattern...crossed fingers...sigh of relief

I found this doily at an op-shop the other week and it was one of those epiphanies when you can clearly see exactly what you want to make. I am quite fond of the no pattern/cut-and-hope-for-the-best method and in this case I'm pretty darn stoked with the outcome.

holidays now a distant memory!

I went to Cairns in tropical North Queensland for 5 whole days a couple of weeks ago, at least I think I did, after swinging back into 13 hour work days it seems like something i might have made up, anyhow I'm well and truly back to earth with a thud. Luckily I've had 2 days off in amongst everything and am ecstatic that 1 of those days coincided with Akira Isogawa's sample and remnant sale. I truly think that the man is a revelation in the fashion world. He has had exhibitions in National Gallery's with good reason. His experimentation with fabric dyeing/knitting/embroidering techniques alone is a gift, before you even get to the garments he makes out of them. His garments are definitely designer prices, even on sale, but even if you never wore one of his dresses, you would get your money's worth from hanging it on the wall as a work of art. (Yes I bought something special there...l shall post a picture if I can bestil my beating heart every time I take it out of its box, long enough to take a photo) I also got 2 bags of remnants (literally tiny scraps of material, but amazingly beautiful nonetheless!).

Enough of my Akira gushing now while I post some images from Melbournes GPO Boutique/Designer complex (I don't go there too much because although it is inspiring, the prices can induce a coronary condition)