Sunday, February 04, 2007

Everything's gone pear shape

Excuse me but since when was it okay for January to just come and go without so much as a Wazzah!, I'm pretty sure it was just christmas, wasn't it? Why are there hot cross buns in the supermarket? AHHHHHH! 2007 is all just a bit too much for me at this point in time. Despite the majority of things in my life being ever so slightly pear-shaped, I can carry the fruit appeal in to my home decor. Firstly, the most amazing pear shaped teapot a thrifty bargain at only $6.50- I swear the shelf where it sat was hit with a beam of light and orchestral climactic music played when I spied it. Secondly are the most brilliant brass pear containers, a fantastic gift from the most fabulous and newly wedded Marianne. kitchy yet practical- the only way I can justify new things in my home, thanks Ms M.

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